
Align. Catalyse. Achieve.

Crossroads’ Enablement framework ensures your teams collaborate effectively, tackle key challenges together, and build lasting capacity for success.

Why organisations choose Crossroads Enablement

Are you leading a big project with multiple stakeholders? Struggling to get everyone on the same page? Worrying about how to actually implement ambitious plans, resolve conflicts, grow partners or innovate a new path?

Our Focus:

We help you solve real problems, meet real goals, and create real impact

Some of our satisfied customers

OUR Enablement SERVICE

Crossroads Enablement Service is framework comprised of three interconnected offerings. Each can stand alone or work in sequence, depending on your needs and depth of engagement.

Alignment Rating

Whether developing teams, you’re planning a new initiative, or aiming to optimise an existing strategy, Alignment Rating pinpoints the gaps that keep you from achieving your goals. Our experts guide deep discussions with leadership or teams, conduct interviews, and tailor recommendations to your specific goals. The results shared with you in a report, also form a measurable basis from which we compare against after focused development work.

Solution Labs

Solution Labs are carefully facilitated collaborative and catalytic environments to address real issues and opportunities uncovered in your Alignment Rating (or other assessments). Think of it as a short, intense burst of facilitated problem-solving designed to produce tangible, team owned, and deliverable plans.

A pragmatic action plan your team truly owns, because they helped build it.

Capacity Building

For organisations needing ongoing skill development and support, our Capacity Building service provides a longer-term approach. We combine targeted course content with biweekly Solution Labs to embed new capabilities throughout your organisation. Our courses and specialist facilitators include leadership, soft skills, sustainable innovation, systems and infrastructure, community engagement, and fundraising.

Your team gains deep, lasting competence—from top-level leaders to frontline staff—to manage growth, change, and complexity with confidence.

Let's ensure your success together

Click the button below to schedule a call with a Crossroads analyst. We will align the most suited team, present a proposal and prepare to commence.

Our network of specialist Enablers

About Us
Our Culture

Our mission is to enable leaders and teams see challenge as opportunity, innovation and diversity as necessity, and alignment as the gateway to real, lasting impact. We exist to spark honest dialogue, unify diverse voices, and empower organisations to thrive.